k- o
Name: Michael Kalinowski
Advisor: Dr. Sairah Malkin
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: michkal@umd.edu
Name: Katrina Kelly
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Pitula
Foundation: Environment & Society
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Lab: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: kvkelly@umes.edu
Name: Mahdi Khademishamami
Advisor: Dr. William Nardin
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: mkhademi@umces.edu
Name: Adnan Khairullah
Advisor: Dr. Meng Xia
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Contact Information: akhairullah@umes.edu
Name: Allyson Kido
Advisor: Dr. Tamra Mendelson & Dr. Eric Schott
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMBC]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: akido1@umbc.edu
Name: Benjamin Komolafe
Advisor: Dr. Ali Ishaque
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: bokomolafe@umes.edu
Name: Erika Koontz
Advisor: Dr. Cindy Palinkas
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: ekoontz@umces.edu
Name: Qianru Liao
Advisor: Dr. William Fagan
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: qianru@umd.edu
Name: Yuting Lin
Advisor: Dr. Yantao Li
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: lytszby@163.com
Name: Cailian Liu
Advisor: Dr. Hongsheng Bi
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Bay Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: liucl@umd.edu
Name: Haoran Liu
Advisor: Dr. Meng Xia
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: liuhaoran950809@gmail.com
Name: Wenjing Liu
Advisor: Dr. Jian Zhao
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: liuw@umces.edu
Name: Veronica Lucchese
Advisor: Dr. William Dennison
Foundation: Environment & Society
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Integration & Application Network Technology (IAN)
Contact Information: vlucchese@umces.edu
Name: Benjamin Malmgren
Advisor: Dr. Lori Staver & Dr. Cindy Palinkas
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: bmalmgren@umces.edu
Name: Brian Marx
Advisor: Dr. Jacqueline Grebmeier
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Bay Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: bmarx@umces.edu
Name: Loni Matthew
Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth North
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: lmatthew@umces.edu
Name: Emilia McGeady
Advisor: Dr. Matthew Gray
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: emcgeady@umd.edu
Name: Jessica McGlinsey
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Rowe
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Bay Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: jessmcg@umd.edu
Name: Jonas Miller
Advisor: Dr. Yonathan Zohar
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMBC]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: jonasm1@umbc.edu
Name: Maximillian (Max) Morgan
Advisor: Dr. Rita Colwell
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Lab: Chesapeake Bay Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: mmorga11@umd.edu
Name: Sabeena Nazar
Advisor: Dr. Allen Place
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: sabeena@umces.edu
Name: Alison Novara
Advisor: Dr. Stephen Tomasetti
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Contact Information: agnovara@umes.edu
Name: Grace O'Hara
Advisor: Dr. David Nelson
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: grace.ohara@umces.edu