u- z
Name: Junxiao Wang
Advisor: Dr. Jian Zhao & Dr. Hongsheng Bi
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: junxiaowang@umces.edu
Name: Tao Wang
Advisor: Dr. J Sook Chung
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMBC]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: XG90497@umbc.edu
Name: Jennifer Weiske
Advisor: Dr. Jacob Cram
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: jweiske@umces.edu
Name: Garrett Wilcox
Advisor: Dr. Louis Plough
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: gwilcox@umces.edu
Name: Alan Williams
Advisor: Dr. Matthew Gray
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: awilliams@umces.edu
Name: Jens Wira
Advisor: Dr. Allen Place
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: jwira@umces.edu
Name: Shuxian Wu
Advisor: Dr. Ten-Tsao Wong
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMBC]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: w54@umbc.edu
Name: Lan Xu
Advisor: Dr. Ten- Tsao Wong
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMBC]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: xulan1@umbc.edu
Name: Pengzheng Yong
Advisor: Dr. Shaojun Du
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: pyong@umaryland.edu
Name: Zhanxiong Zhang
Advisor: Dr. Shaojun Du
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: zzhang2@umaryland.edu