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Name: Wyatt Palenchar
Advisor: Dr. Justine Whitaker
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Contact Information: wyattpalenchar1@gmail.com
Name: Olivia Pares
Advisor: Dr. Eric Schott
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: opares@umces.edu
Name: Raymond Poon
Advisor: Dr. Som Chatterjee
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: rpoon@umaryland.edu
Name: David Garcia Prieto
Advisor: Dr. Clara Fuchsman
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: dgarcia@umces.edu
Name: Kyarii Ramarui
Advisor: Dr. Yantao Li
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: kramarui@umces.edu
Name: Sean Ravel
Advisor: Dr. Yonathan Zohar
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMBC]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: seanr5@umbc.edu
Name: Ailar Razzaghirezaeieh
Advisor: Dr. Meng Xia
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Contact Information: a.razzaghirezaeieh@umes.edu
Name: Cali Roberts
Advisor: Dr. Ali Ishaque
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: cnroberts@umes.edu
Name: Fariba Rostami
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Pitula
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: fariba.rostami86@gmail.com
Name: Kyle Rufo
Advisor: Dr. Zachary Zbinden
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environment Science [UMCES]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: kyle.rufo@umces.edu
Name: Michella Salvitti
Advisor: Dr. Joseph Pitula
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: mpsalvitti@umes.edu
Name: Joanne Salzer
Advisor: Dr. Allen Place
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: jsalzer@umd.edu
Name: Isabel Sanchez
Advisor: Dr. Lora Harris & Dr. Jeremy Testa
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: isanchez@umces.edu
Name: Nina Santos
Advisor: Dr. Ryan Woodland
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: nsantos@umces.edu
Name: Amanda Schwark
Advisor: Dr. Lorie Staver & Dr. Sairah Malkin (co-advisor)
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: aschwark@umces.edu
Name: Leonardo Soto
Advisor: Dr. Shiladitya DasSarma
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: lsoto1@umd.edu
Name: Madison Sholes
Advisor: Dr. Michael Wilberg
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Bay Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: mlsholes@umd.edu
Name: Nicholas Silverson
Advisor: Dr. Jacqueline Grebmeier & Dr. Lee Cooper
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Bay Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: nsilverson@umces.edu
Name: Owen Skirtich
Advisor: Dr. Paulinus Chigbu
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: owen.skirtich@gmail.com
Name: Julia Smeltzer
Advisor: Dr. Lora Harris
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Bay Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: jsmeltzer@umces.edu
Name: Bruna Sobrinho
Advisor: Dr. Pat Glibert
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: bsobrinho@umces.edu
Name: Matthew Stefanak
Advisor: Dr. Ryan Woodland
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information: matt.stefanak@gmail.com
Name: Yalong Sun
Advisor: Dr. Yonathan Zohar
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMBC]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: yalongs1@umbc.edu
Name: Katherine Tanner
Advisor: Dr. Stephen Tomasetti
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Eastern Shore [UMES]
Contact Information: kltanner@umes.edu
Name: Nicole Trenholm
Advisor: Dr. Andrea Pain
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information: ntrenholm@umces.edu
Name: Brian Tsuru
Advisor: Dr. Emily Cohen
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: brian.tsuru@umces.edu